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Novac Sav novac koji spada u gore navedeni period...

Teme - opcije
Staro 19.04.2007, 11:39
Korisnička slika od Vumi
Vumi Vumi je offline
Registriran : 26.04.2004
mjesto: Ilirikum
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@stef74, sta ti nije jasno kod imena Bohemija?
Nikada nećeš izgubiti pravi put
budeš li radio prema osjećanju i savjesti...
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Staro 19.04.2007, 19:16
Korisnička slika od Stef74
Stef74 Stef74 je offline
Mladi arheolog
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citat od Vumi Prikažite prilog
@stef74, sta ti nije jasno kod imena Bohemija?
Pa nije mi jasno, to jest nisam siguran koja je to oblast, mada mislim da to bese region u Ceskoj ili Slovackoj???
* [I]Zabluda je videti ono što ne postoji, ali i ne videti ono što postoji.[/I]
* [I]Kad imaš sve, ne vidiš ništa. Progledaš tek kad nemaš ništa.[/I]
[I]* Naše malo može biti mnogo za one koji nemaju ni malo.[/I]
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Staro 19.04.2007, 20:29
Korisnička slika od Vumi
Vumi Vumi je offline
Registriran : 26.04.2004
mjesto: Ilirikum
Starost: 55
prilozi: 7.902
Zahvaljivao se: 160
Dobio je 1.081 zahvalnice(a/u) za 411 priloga
Nikada nećeš izgubiti pravi put
budeš li radio prema osjećanju i savjesti...
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Staro 19.04.2007, 21:30
prilozi: n/a
Ceska brate
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Staro 19.04.2007, 21:34
prilozi: n/a
citat od imperator16 Prikažite prilog
Momentalno iz Svedske,tu sam od nedavno.Inace sam iz Makedonije...
aha cool vidim mjesas ekavski i ijekavski pa jos kad se rijec netko pomjesa s ekavskim dobije se nesto sto se ne vidja svaki dan

inace citam neki sajt tresaure news pa ima nesto i iz Svedske s podatkom gdje ima interesatnih nalaza mozda te zainteresuje....

Oct 2006 - SWEDEN - Two young men on Gotland have found Viking treasure dating to the 10th century. The treasure cache consists of silver coins, weighing a total of around 3 kilos. They were discovered by 20-year-old Edvin Svanborg and his 17-year-old brother Arvid, who were working in the grounds of their neighbour, artist Lars Jonsson.

"I just stumbled by chance across an Arab silver coin that was around 1,100 years old," Edvin Svanborg told news agency TT. Svanborg says he is studying history, and recognized the coin as one that is commonly found on Gotland. He said he had seen pictures of similar coins in the past.

The brothers started looking for more coins, and quickly realised that they had found something very valuable. In quite a small space they found around 1,100 coins and a few bracelets. Most of the treasure was in good condition, although rabbits had left their mark on some of the coins.

This was the first time that the Svanborg brothers had found treasure, although Edvin said he hoped to find more in the future. "I'm planning to study to become an archaeologist," he said. The brothers are now likely to get a reward, after handing over the treasure to the authorities. It is so far unclear how much they will receive. "But that's not the most important thing. The point is finding a treasure trove," Edvin said.

Majvor Östergren at Gotland county administrative board praised the brothers for handing in the treasure. "They acted in an examplary fashion."

Gotland is an archaeologist's paradise, where there have been discoveries of a large number of Viking treasures. Farmer Björn Engström found the world's largest ever haul of Viking treasure on the north-eastern part of the island a few years ago. The loot included coins, necklaces and other jewelry, which altogether contained 65 kilos of silver and 20 kilos of bronze. He was given 2.1 million kronor as a reward.

a ovo je sajt adresa...
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